
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

eville baked beans dec 9 2000 - 2.14 pm

*sniff* *snort* *hooooonk*

ack. still got the cold. my ears feel like they are stuffed with meat. or cotton, i suppose.

i had a nice experience in the bath a couple of nights ago. since this cold started i have been taking these "sweat-baths" in order to clean out my system. i swirl eucalyptus bath salts into the steaming hot water, light some candles, attempt to read in the hazy candlelight, continuously dry off my hands so i don't drop whatever i'm reading...ah shit...dry off the book...etc. for the most part, i sit and sweat. a glass of icewater on the side of the bath replenishes me, but not enough, i realize in the morning when my pee is frighteningly dark orange. (or a wonderful luminescent green if i've taken my multivitamin!)

the last time i had a sweatbath, my ears were filled with this meat, and i could hear nothing but my pulse thumping away. after much...sweating, i guess, i stood up and the "thumpthumpthumpthump" was at a frightening pace. i swayed with dizziness and breathed deeply, attempting to slow the race of blood in my brain. the thumping was incredibly loud, almost painful. it took me about 5 minutes to regain some sense of balance and normality.

it was quite scary. i'm not usually a dizzy-spell sort of person.

today i am going to see my girlfriend's ex. not for fun, mind you - she is going to be at a local holiday exhibition-thingy. the words "craft fair" do NOT want to come out of me, but they are the best description. she is pure ev-ille and i hate her so, and i get a kick in the stomach every time i see her. i hope that i don't throw up today. actually, i had baked beans so it would be kinda "exorcist"-y if i did throw up all over her.

damn you evil bitch.


go backwards in time

last time***next time