
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

blah blah mar 27 2001 - 5.24 pm

can you believe it? i was a good little soldier today and actually LEFT THE APARTMENT. to, like, GO TO SCHOOL and stuff. wow. this is huge. considering i skipped my favorite class yesterday to sloth around and be melancholic, i thought the entire week was a wash. but no. i skipped all my classes LAST week. necessity and logic rule over melancholia in my world. this is why i've never been hospitalized. my DAMN smarts get in the way!

hm. brother of mine says he will put the cats in a kennel if need be. this is more than a little distressing to me. i wonder if i can put him in a kennel?

i got an e-mail from my other brother today, who is doing fine now that the prozac is coarsing through his veins once more, and considering he took a two week break from smoking pot. that's the most he's gone without it in about a year, apparently. hmm. i always thought he would be the first to spawn children, but perhaps not...

i set up my calendar for the month of april and it's hideous. i have about one week for each huge essay that is due (2 more when i get this stupid history one out of the way) and then 3 exams. i expect to spend a week or so in the country recuperating, which might not be so relaxing if my mother is busy killing elderly family members.

my father also sent me an email with the usual dad stuff: "blah blah, send me stuff for taxes, blah blah, what are you doing next year, blah blah, if you're a full time student i can support you, blah blah what are you doing this summer, blah blah your mother is being weird and i just want to work it out, blah blah" dad. shut up. seriously. just put the money in my bank account and shut UP.

i love life
i love life
i love life
i love life
i love life
i swear.

last time on sorethroat

last time***next time