
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

who needs friends with fame feb 21 2001 - 12.50 pm

what's new. i'm tired. blah. blah.

oh yeah, i know what's new! i have no friends! yes! this is an excellent development. let me tell you the wee story.

y'see, i played a gig. in a club. with no cover. and it was just us, on a tuesday night. so, there were no worries of "tuesday? damn, EVERYTHING happens on tuesday!" but i guess "that 70s show" was just too damn powerful, since not ONE friend o' mine came out to support my artistic endeavours. i had my poor girlfriend sipping a bloody ceasar from 7pm, and none of her friends, or my friends, or even OUR friends showed up. excuses, excuses, i'm sick of 'em. piglets.

and man, did we put on a good show. it had everything. it had me kicking some ass on the 'coustic geetar. not messing up...much. ricardo singing an entire song off key. a blondie encore. bad guest drummers. but dammit, it's the best we've ever felt about a show and we landed some later gigs thanks to it.

so barrie, here we come.

last time***next time