
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

just giddy feb 17 2003 - 4.16 pm

ooh boy. where to begin?

well, i didn't report back after last week's Hottentott classes - maybe because i was too dizzy to do so. after sitting next to him last tuesday, i started getting muy paranoid again - now OTHERS will inevitably notice that it's the third class in a row i've been planted next to his Hotness. but thursday was much more important.

(i didn't sit next to him, by the way)

i had my oral presentation, which went pretty well. i was all hussied up in my new hussy outfit (ok, ok, it was just a shirt from American Eagle Outfitters, and some bootcut jeans from Old Navy, but for me? that's skanksville.) and was so aware of the silence - which is good, since it meant people were paying attention - that i said "um, um" probably too much for my own good. however, my brilliance shone through and saved my nervous ass. people in the class actually told me it was the most interesting thing they had heard all day. of course, i envisioned them spending all of their day watching soaps, but hey, winning out over soaps? pretty interesting.

AND i got my paper back - and nearly peed my pants with happiness when i saw the "A" grade. he gave me comments which i will transcribe verbatim later (what, i haven't memorized the words? again, too dizzy). THEN, as if that wasn't enough, we got into an intellectual conversation in the hall after class, with turtleneck man. actually, turtleneck man did most of the talking, and i just stood there and engaged. impressed. hot.

as i stared at him, i thought, i'm ok. i'm not TOTALLY obsessed with him any more, but again, it was because he was right in front of me. i worried that not seeing him for more than a week (i've just started my reading week) would make me EXTRA crazy, but so far, so good.

i suppose it helped that i was brought back down to earth by my REAL relationship - my 3rd anniversary was last wednesday, and then of course, there's valentine's day, which was wonderfully low-key and low-pressure. i got Williams-Sonoma s'mores from socks, among other things. they are in the best box EVER and are just too fancy-pants to dive into.

the apartment nextdoor had the pipe burst in the ceiling - AGAIN. woah. and our landlady? SHE'S ON A CRUISE IN THE BAHAMAS. (with the insurance money, we've figured) - oooooh man. i don't want to move, but dude, i would really like to feel like my apartment is not going to cave in on itself anytime soon! ack.

big red is only 35 cents a pack. life can be nice.

last time***next time