
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

oops, i did it again nov 21 2004 - 4.43 pm

i think i know what to email to fred.

i have decided on the "you're not really doing your job" theme, and the punchline to the joke will be that i brought up my concerns regarding alcoholism/substance abuse with him more than once, and he did not see it as a problem.

and i got rip-roaringly drunk 3 times this week, including last night's debauchery, which led to me crashing not only on a stranger's bed (after throwing up outside, then in said stranger's bathroom), but then being led to another stranger's apartment to crash on THEIR couch (and again with the throwing up).

i don't remember the "getting to" the second apartment.

i was vomiting from about 2 am - 12 pm.

i came home, threw up again, took a shower, took some gravol and crashed out in my bed. it's nearly 5 pm and i think i'm ready to have some gatorade and perhaps some food.

i have books to read for school. i was going to do laundry today. i saw s. last night having fun (of course) and i got more and more fucked. about 6 beers, 2 joints, random hash, no food.

i was perilously close to asking someone i had merely been chatting with to come outside and make out with me.

i gave everyone the eyes and had a hard time standing straight, not angled somehow.

fred, i think i have a problem with drinking. i have told you this before. why aren't you helping me?

last time***next time