
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

decisions decisions mar 1 2001 - 12.20 pm

i'm skipping my beloved freud class today. i haven't done any readings, and since we don't have any exams or tests, there really isn't much of a point to it. except for, you know, "personal enlightenment" or something. and who has time for that?

i will make up for this truancy by going to THE GYM today. i rented a locker at the beginning of the school year, september, and just bought an actual lock last week. i was holding back because i knew that somewhere in my possessions was a pink-faced Master lock from high school, and why the hell should i buy a new lock when i had this perfectly good one lying around....somewhere? and i even remember the combination; shouldn't that count for something? so now it's march, and i think i'll go to the gym.

i also see fred today. it's going to feel a little weird because i dreamt about him last night. once again, the dream was too much for me to articulate well, but with the fred part, i was having an anxiety attack, hyperventilating and freaking out, and he was trying to calm me down by showing me a comic that featured drawings of him. i'm not sure if i was naked, but i had a blanket around me that i hid under. when my breathing slowed, i lay on the floor in exhaustion and drooled myself to sleep.

so yeah, i am thinking it might be a little weird to see fred today.

last time***next time