
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

fall lament oct 04 2004 - 10.26 am

too many times a day does the thought "what have i done?" cross my mind.

i know that i have surrounded myself with circumstances that make me feel uncomfortable, unmotivated, unable...but i still stop and think, "is this unhappiness better than that old unhappiness?"

this IS the old unhappiness.
this is the brand that i always bought.

completely self-directed, self-propelled. does that make it better? well, i can always just blame myself for it. no one else bears responsibility. mind you, i don't think i necessarily "blamed" anyone else for my unhappiness...but i couldn't have anyone else be a factor in it.

i ask myself "is this worth it? WAS it worth it?" and remember asking it of myself a year ago...maybe other times, too. "will it be worth it?" - and it wasn't, for a long time, i recognized that. was our disagreement worth all this? probably not. could we have worked through it? perhaps. we could have sustained for another little while. would have surfaced again.

so i remind myself of all the platitudes i was handed - "it's better it happened now than when you REALLY hated each other..." or "this is the mature thing to do" - is it? then why do i feel like a teenager?

it's colder now, after a brilliant extension of summer warmth and blue skies that would usually make me do little but smile. i noticed my lack of contentment while walking during one such lazy warm sunday afternoon, a mix of feeling responsible for running an errand, but having the leisure to walk at a slower pace. no warm fuzzies inside. no flood of endorphins to the brain, telling me "god, i love my life!"

god, i hate my life sometimes.

it's colder, and i wrap myself in the lambswool sweaters she bought me. gifts that made me look even better to her; i already looked good. then why did i rarely feel good? why did i never believe her?

so what i have done is sentenced myself to ongoing punishment for being so stupid as to never believe her. for attempting to reflect it back at her like a mirror instead of absorbing it graciously. for beginning the dying process while with her, only to have it culminate now, without.

this is what i have done.
and nothing is worth anything, anyway.

last time***next time