
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

the happiest entry for a while june 20 2003 - 1.29 pm

i bought a new old bike!

now i have three bikes. that's 3. am i a bike geek? i bought all sorts of bikey-washing thingies to wash my new old bike, and the other bikes my sweetie and i own (she owns two old bikes - that's 2 - and one is currently on loan at Gallery Iota). eew, did i just call her "my sweetie"? eew! i think her repetitious referrals to me as "bunny butt," "muffin cheeks," "fluffy pants," "honey teeth" (or something) have infected my brain a little.

i am also happy to note that i put a new old bell on my bike, with a four leaf clover embossed in its...silverness...and "made in the gdr" on the ringer. prof hottie, that one was for you! he always said "gdr" in a way that sounded like a purr, or "grrrrr." *das sigh*

so my bike has a sparkly dark blue banana seat and its name is "spyder" - i had to own it, because i always vowed that my heavy-metal hair band would be named "spydar" (with an umlaut on the a...i'm not sure how to code that one) sparkly blue rubbery grips. and a big ol' headlight that doesn't work...yet.

i wore my best button up, short-sleeved 50s boy-working-on-my-schwinn-in-the-front-yard shirt to go pick up the bike. i rode it home and nearly broke a kid's neck as he swivelled to take a look at Spyder's coolness.

i had a dream involving prof. hottie last night - it was quite interesting. i had his laptop. and i was looking at it, and there were pictures of like, eyeballs or star-trekky-like-alien-body-parts that were all light in colour, yet slimy, and photographed against stark white. it was all very coo-al type of photography hip with those new yorkers. i don't know. but he was in it and knew that i looked at the contents of his laptop but was not mad or anything. of course. it's my fucking dream, no?

i have a little money, and it's kind of nice. i am thinking of all sorts of wonderful things i could purchase with these little bits of money that i am now earning.

la la la la.

oh, and i got my womanlies, and they are PAINFUL! i am going to buy some chewy chocolate chip cookies (or perhaps - gasp - make my own) and smoke a little pot and watch a video. because i'm a woman.

last time***next time