
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

life is my bff dec 05 2003 - 12.34 pm

wow! life! i suddenly love you again! let's just forget all about this week, and last week, and the week before that, where i, like, TOTALLY hated you. because life? you and me are like bff - well, if you keep this up...

i had to write some introductory begging emails to profs for letters of recommendation yesterday. i picked prof bjt, the doddery-but-loverly prof whose "women in european history" course sparked this whole history degree thing, since she always gave me As for my papers - while the rest of the class sulked. muhahahaha. obviously my style and her preferences clicked, so i took another class of hers the next year.

the second prof i asked was prof beady eyes, of all people! well, considering i suppose i would have had a closer relationship with him had i actually contacted him during that whole independent study thing....i actually said that i was an insect coming out of the woodwork for the reference, and that DIDN'T hinder me. i wasn't even stoned when i wrote that. i just felt like i had nothing else to lose. he wrote back a very genial note, and even told me how to write my statement of interest (nec. for both applications) - and told me that my school has become much more competetive...but he's totally on my side. thanks, beady eyes! i guess i misjudged you as a complete asshole.

and of course, i turn to my hunny-bunny, prof. hottie. i *heart* you! i'm writing my name on my notebook in a heart, "Mrs. Sorethroat Hottie" and daydreaming of your laugh. why? well, he's been practically ramming a recommendation letter down my throat, offering it up without being asked, but i thought that was a ploy to get rid of me.

Dear Sorethroat,
yes, I would definitely like to write such a letter, although I am not very experienced in these things. Therefore, it would be great if you could provide me with some data (or even suggestions). And, yes, I'd like to hear some Poland stories.

Best wishes,

prof hottie

oh my god, he is soooo cute.

ooh, i'll provide him with suggestions alright.


last time***next time