
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

i'm telling you, MANGOS. feb 28 2002 - 6.10 pm

aw,'s past 6? what the fuck is that? gohomegohomegohomeyouhomo. i'm at school, getting even more books out of the library. i have a $23 fine right now and about 10 books out already. i don't know what kind of crack i am on. i guess checking books out of the library makes it feel like i am "doing research" even if i don't read them.

well, i'm pleasantly surprised by diaryland. like, this one, for instance. look at these sweet-ass comments she made about me! that's sweet(ass). i owe her a haircut.

but i can't go to her diary because it comes up blank on Fuckscape, which is what most of these school computers work with. pah.

i have to go home! and make a card! and make hummus! i'm going to a birthday party. it's not for this one, no sir, she gets no birthday love from me. i give her no hummus at all.

and. oh and.

SURVIVOR 4. tonight. it begins YET again. it seems like yesterday, no, last month, that mophead was boring his way to a million bucks. these guys have to "fend for themselves" in regards to food, but dude - there is QUOTE an "abundance of mangos" on the island. MANGOS. or MANGOES. i think MANGOS now that i LOOK AT IT.

that's harsh.

"i'm on the mango and coconut milk diet, woe woe woe."

last time***next time