
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

polkaroo aug 13 2004 - 1.30 pm


(did this have any significance *before* the movies came out? because if not, then it's just lame to worry about it. not that, you know, worrying about superstitious things isn't already lame or something...mumblemumble...)

i have to go to work very soon, but OF COURSE i had to let the "pages" of my diary know that my roommate had an interaction with Prof. Hottie. and he was THE ONLY ONE in the department. and that i should "go see him," the situation being as such.

once again, my boy didn't disappoint. the first thing she said about him was "he was very nervous and fidgety!" exxxxxcellent. that's the way i like 'im. but it certainly reinforces my observation that he calms down when talking to me. maybe because he knows me somewhat, and he's just bad with strangers or something. or he LUFFS me! yes, that's more like it.

i said, "oh no, my polkaroo is no more!" as he has now been seen by someone else - i didn't just make him up. OF COURSE, she said "i can't see the attraction, but whatever..." - because let's face it, no one sees through THESE crazy eyes! i mean, insecurity? attractive! strange habits? attractive! rambling intellectualism? attractive! i am a haven for lost nerds.


i gave notice at work, and said i'd work till september 1st. my u of t job is really putting pressure on me to come in and work for them more, which is certainly a good thing, but dude - one can only stretch so thin being pulled from all sides. so i said "...they're going to pay me $32/hour..." and my boss said "bu-bye!" - he desperately wants and excuse to get out himself, so i think he lives vicariously through us escapees.

my roommate is moving more of her stuff out today - the big furniture - so i'll have a real sense of what my room will be like. i want to paint it white ASAP, too, to also help me visualize...sweet sweet loft bed, come to meeeee....

last time***next time