
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

Simplistic Dream #1 aug 12 2004 - 11.22 am

i had the most obtuse dream last night.

i think it came from the fact that i hadn't smoked any pot, therefore, my brain was actually functioning again. (i haven't had a dream in quite a while with my little...nightcap)

i had also been on the phone with my mother, discussing all manner of family shenanigans, all of which made me irritated, tense, upset, with a generalized explosion of the brain. touching on issues such as:

* my dad's lack of communication with the family!
* when the thai maid is leaving - here's a hint: she's not!
* my brother's plan to sell the family property as soon as he gets the chance! (property that was allocated to me, being the only girl/lesbian/never-going-to-have-a-husband-to-support me/future cat-lady of the family)
*status of my 94-year old grandfather, and my dad's insane plans to take him along (as well as the thai maid) on his NEXT posting - in 2006!
* my mom's plan to go to england, her flight leaving "oooh, september eleventh, twelfth..."

so! so this is how my dream went down:

something something something, al-Qaeda has hijacked 29 flights in england and just crashed them. not into buildings, but just as soon as they got them, they crashed them. BECAUSE THEY COULD. to show america that they are weak and defenseless, ha ha ha! the way they managed to get control of the planes was "antibiotics" - i don't know, i think my brain was trying to come up with some sort of virus or infection, which is treatable by antibiotics...anyhoo, what this meant was that "they" DID have biological weapons, so bush was RIGHT! and dream-me stated out loud that i didn't know which was more of a tragedy, that 29 planes had crashed, or that bush was right, and now he'd NEVER leave office! for some odd reason, my entire family (though i can only recall my mother, my father, my grandfather, and myself) are in a helicopter, and my dad is piloting, but he can't control it. it's like he doesn't even know how. so it is spinning, very slowly, out of control, over water. dad says we should just jump, but i'm concerned about our luggage - will someone get it when they go down in the water to retrieve the helicopter?

so i take it upon myself to pull out the luggage and throw it into the water, which turns out to be smart since they float, and we can use them to hang on to. there are three bright orange leather suitcases; they remind me specifically of the brown leather suitcase my grandfather used when we travelled in the past. my grandfather is sitting (on a chair?) on his suitcase, floating along as happy as a clam, not traumatized or anything. i can't remember the rest of my family, or the getting out of the water part.

in an airport, next, in england - because we are supposed to be flying, watching the coverage of the events, but not really knowing what is going on. there is no panic, but no information, either - i just "kinda know" that this has happened, but don't know what's next or what it means.


how INCREDIBLY LAZY my brain is. i mean, could you HAVE a more obvious dream?? there was such little attempt to symbolize my issues and concerns, i don't even know why my brain bothered. it might as well have just shown me a newspaper cover with the headline "Sorethroat Concerned That Her Father is Nuts - Taking Grandpa Along for the Ride!" etc. all the sub-articles would be pretty much everything i've just said, without the plane crashes or the pretty colours. i mean, al-Qaeda in england? my mother's travel plans? my immediate association and concern (as ill-founded as it may be...) - the fact that on THE september the eleventh she WAS in england? duuuuuuuuh.

stupid brain. i'm going to flood you with THC tonight, just to punish you.

last time***next time