
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

road map to failure nov 13 2004 - 12.59 pm

i'm trying to remember how to do this whole stressed-out multi-tasking thing. it was apparently my forte in a past life, but i'm not for believing in reincarnation. how am i supposed to multi-task past lives, too?

so. let's break it down. four...five essential projects. let's prioritize.

1) monday - oral presentation in french revolution class. must look at biography of historian, examine the technique she uses in her analysis of french revolution, discuss its impact and implications - contributions to the field. come up with two probing questions. probe. probe. type out a one page handout that differs somewhat from the presentation. so, write two things. (good thing i read the book last week for a terrible paper i wrote)

2) thursday - oral presentation on jewish historian. biographical overview, impact and implications of his work. prepare handout. pretty basic

3) also due thursday - "final research paper" for so-called polish jews class. prof wanted me to examine female nazi perpetrators. not entirely sure how this relates to his course and the material. he justified it by saying they were in camps in poland, so it counts. ooook. haven't done nearly enough reading for this - what are my primary sources?? can go in a few directions: women's roles in the nazification/germanization of polish lands, camp guard bitches, or media representation of female war criminals at the post-war trials. will have to read more.

4) audio history project. sent prof lame statement of intent which i have been wanting to scrap for the past two days, but can't because i can't come up with anything better. must listen to more testimonies, research transcripts. note to self: yale video archive.

5) big major research paper. prof h. needs to be impressed enough to scrap his plans to go to australia and instead marry me. or just stick around to let me stalk him. presented idea of examining documentaries - the presentation of documentary production, collection of testimonies, the ideological approaches. process? must have a novel angle based on - you guessed it - primary source material. leave this for last, despite its overwhelming importance.

wondering why i exist in the first place.

thinking about living in a commune again.

hate hate hate self-doubt hate.

last time***next time