
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

victory is mine! nov 12 2004 - 4.36 pm

hotster, hotster, what a pussy handshake.

oh wooooooooah. well. there are pros and cons to every situation, this one being no different.

pro - wicked face time with the hotster. guarantee of more face time.
con - i HAVE to figure out just what it is i'm doing, dammit!
pro - his eyes never disappoint.
con - i look like an idiot.
pro - he agreed to be my advisor, but i have to look into the technicalities of it (on his side).
con - he's applying to other universities - IN AUSTRALIA. WHAT??

pro - i gave him his long over-due postcard, which he examined and analyzed and really liked, then was all surprised that i was giving it to him.

PRO PRO - i unfurled the posters, showing him the weird surrealist one first, and then the original 1984 print of a production of kafka's "the trial." he was WICKED impressed and um, maybe a little shocked? he said "so, you um, bought these? for me?"

"yeah!" i replied very casually. no big whoop; i'm awesome AND freaky like that!

i said "i just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done to help me over the past while..."

i then broke the possibly awkward moment with "consider it a bribe!" to which he joked "well, perhaps you should have waited until june!" (which is when the paper is to be graded)

he admired the artistic aesthetics of it and said "and of course, kafka is one of my favourites..."

YESSS score one for sorethroat!

"i'm really flattered."


he told me to email him and we'd be in touch. and that i had a bottle of vodka that needed a home. oh, he couldn't possibly handle a whole bottle. i said it was small. but perhaps it could wait till the end of the school year...

oh laugh laugh. i'm so witty and a little freaky.


and now i want to sleep. too much excitement for this widdling puppy.

last time***next time