
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

sex-deprived delusions feb 14 2002 - 5.17 pm

hey. v-d. you know.

i had the most fucked up dream last night. there were several sections, and i remember the most prominent one that came at the end of my sleep. basically, i was hanging around my old best friend from high school, and my girlfriend was hanging around this other girl we know. while j. and i went swimming, my girlfriend and w. did fun, flirty things. after we got out of the pool, they went in the pool. it was very late, and i could hear them splashing and having fun from the hotel room, which we were sharing with another couple - asleep, the typical party poopers they are in real life. i think the pool was closing or something, and if it hadn't have been, they would have been skinny dipping (dream logic). s. came back to our room and got into skimpy, half-off p.j.s and w. came up to tell her something, also clad in "pyjamas" that revealed most of her slender body. they giggled and blushed, and i knew that something was going on. and right in front of me! so i marched over to them and started yelling.

"FUCK RIGHT OFF!" and i explained that i had every right to be pissed, the giggling, the swimming, the barely-there nighties..."fuck right off!"

g-friend countered with something about an email invite to me from a friend that got filtered down to her later. even though this doesn't really make sense as a counter-argument, i was flustered in the dream. "oh yeah, well, the both of you, fuck right off!"

and i pounced on the double bed of the hotel room and tried to scream, once again, fuck right off, but no scream came out. then the alarm went off and s. tried to snuggle up behind me and i wouldn't let her.

whoo. intense.

there was also some stuff about a dentist in a van doing stuff with my teeth, involving several little pin-prick needles at once, and he had my labret (piercing) and i got really horny. oh wait, this was after the "fuck right off" dream.

and some other stuff about a vibrator detector, that listed people who had vibrators, like a phone book. and this guy i knew and had a crush on (who recently had a baby with his new wife) was listed, and it intrigued me and made me wonder if it was his or hers.


i've been taking tylenol 222, so maybe the codeine and celibacy is just catching up with me.

i think i needs a good layin'.

happy vd.

last time***next time