
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

ooooooowwwww feb 12 2002 - 2.32 pm

ooooooooohhhhhhh, duuuuuuude.

that sucked!

it's still sucking!

i am existing, an hour and a half after being in the chair, dental dam being used what it was invented for, numb. and trying like hell not to bite my tongue off.

yikes. needles! everywhere! all in my mouth! i have this "thing" where i don't "feel" novocaine "so well." so i need "several" injections. i only needed one on the upper right side, where it actually didn't hurt, but i needed 3+ on the left side. because i could STILL FEEL MY FUCKING TONGUE. i feel like chopping it out.

as the painkillers leave my system, this on-going headache sneaks it's way back in.

i woke up at around 4 this morning in a panic, and still had the headache. after falling asleep at 6, and waking up at 7.45, i still had the headache. now i have the headache, and i think my teeth are aching, too. or at least the places in my poor poor mouth where the SEVERAL NEEDLES were placed.

why oh why do i not pass out more often?

i just wince and whine a little and then get palpitations and shakes corsing through my body.

that's all.

and next week? i get to do it all again! because i've just got that many cavities! i SUCK!

last time***next time