
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

so. feb 27 2001 - 12.52 pm


(*sound of me boring holes into my own head*)
trefination trephination trepidation

so! so. so? SO

so i got some marks back yesterday (i'll start with the good news) and my hitler document study got an A (so i've started reading "the boys from brazil" again in thanks) and i was one point shy of an A on my history exam, far in that class i'm getting a B+. if i kick some ass on the final paper and exam i should be able to get an A. and that would be incredible. since i never get As and all.

SO. so the bad news. my mom has decided she is through with my dad. she is going to go through with a divorce. my dad responds with "but i loooooove yoooooou..." and "if only everyone could just hear my side of the story, they'd understand." uh-huh. like i didn't give you a chance when i asked you, on the streets of bangkok that insane humid night, why you had FUCKED AROUND on mom?

your response?

"is THAT what THIS is all about? sheeesh!"

i don't know, call me crazy, dad (oh wait, you DID - with your smug, callous, daggered remark "at least i'm not seeing a PSY-CHI-A-TRIST!") but i thought that i had finally opened up the possibility of discourse that night. on that subject, and a variety of subjects. my three quick steps for your single angry strides, constriction of my throat as i choked for the first time that i love shooting that angry sideways glance of pure disbelief. where did i go wrong?

and you tell mom that you're staying another year, don't ASK, even out of politeness...just tell. for her, for me. yes, i do appreciate your open-wallet policy, always have, but you don't realize that an open-arm policy is far more valueable. even an open door, open eye, open open open UP YOU DUMB BASTARD!

it shouldn't be like this. my parents are 58 and 59. i can't think anymore.

last time***next time