
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

blaaaaaah jan 16 2002 - 1.21 pm

i'm feeling the release. it feels ok.

fred prescribed a light source. can it be prescribed? well, that's for the insurance company to worry about. i need my light! i have become a victim of a loser trend - i have SAD along with "whatever else you have" - is that a new DSM-IV category? "whatever else" hey, at least i don't have to say i'm a dysphoric with infrequent major depressive episodes, coupled with anxiety. "whatever else" sounds good to me.

i just don't want to go back on zee pillz again, because they suck. i think it's oh-so-cooler to NOT be on pillz, after seeing all that advertising (courtesy of american tv) for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. i'll just sit in front of my lightbox and NOT read the daily news. apparently, being up on current events makes you depressed, too, since the world is shit. go figure, you're not supposed to know this.

my dad's social insurance number is not valid, according to the thingymajig that processes my loan application. so he IS a spy. of course.

the only book (in the ENTIRE CITY) about shakespeare and masculinity has been taken out of the library. too bad i picked the loser's book to write about - "uhhhh, i guess i'll just to Hamlet." i am worried that choosing this particular text will result in an automatic B. hmmm...othello is looking better and better...

blah blah blah.

last time***next time