
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

well, i STILL won't like porn, butttt.... may 04 2005 - 8.42 pm

i'm feeling much better today than i have been. i think it has to do with experimenting with dirty talk.

at first it was just bedroom talk. i used to never talk during sex. i never made sounds, actually. i could have done very well as a nun. you would think i shared a room with someone at some point in my life. nope, just me and god. and god loses focus if you talk or moan.

so the talk began as just that - talk. it was a little odd to be having a conversation of sorts, making jokes, while humpin'up on someone. then we started the "description" talk. what do you want me to do to you. what do you like doing to me. that was pretty good.

now it's just damn ol' dirty. the over-and-over kind. i even think i said the F-word first, about a month ago. now it's the soundtrack.

i'm a little worried that it will suffer some sort of...repetitive strain injury. but as the talk gets a little dirtier, so do the dealings. the walk of the talk, so to speak. ack, no pun intended.

i blushed and swooned like a pure damn girl last night, apres. i got up and made coffee for my newly macho-ed woman, slapped her ass to put her back in her place, then sent her off to work in my shirt, undies, and makeup.

i'm dressed like a fifties boy in my short-sleeved pastel plaid shirt, black sweater vest, and dark jeans.

genderfucking is fun.
oh, and so is just fucking.

last time***next time