
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

FUUUUUUUCK mar 26 2001 - 3.05 pm

dear brother,
please stop blowing your nose in the shower, leading me to find dried-up bloody boogers on the tiled wall.
thank you.
your sister,
sick of being so fucking grossed out all the time.

my belly is exploding. this is what happens when you don't want to do ANYTHING ANYTIME. you eat. no, *I* eat. i ate cereal, yoghurt, dextrose tablets, a vitamin, my stupid fucking good-for-nothin' antidepressants, and some weird "asian" concoction i just made. well, it would have been kick-ass asian (soba noodles, green onions, sesame & soya dressing) if not for the CHICK PEAS i added. it turned into Al Kah'l Kalesh'iziki. middle eastern japanese flair. oh, plus the helpful thai fish sauce and chili sauce i added. damn me and my international ways!

i'm tired now, this is my naptime. i'm trying desperately not to pull my hair out. the back of my head, the hair i refer to lovingly as my MULLET, needs serious shearing. i even thought about visiting a local barber to do the job. bravery right there. let's just say these old-time eye-talians don't take kindly to pierced lesbians. wanting lesbian haircuts.


i'd like my life back?! no. i'd like someone to take my life?!?! no. that's not what i meant. i'd like to have a better life?!?! YES! i'd like to be inspired enough to not want to sleep away my life?!?!! YES!

i feel a little cog in my head turning, ever-so-slowly. it's not enough to wind me up, unfortunately. enough, perhaps, to ask my dear fred for a note. a note for my kind history professor saying,

"k. was unable to complete her assignment on time - i know, i know, you assigned it like, 5 months in advance... - because she is mentally incapable of dealing with stress and the facets of day-to-day life. her family are a bunch of psychotic freaks who threaten her with all sorts of repercussions if she doesn't turn psychotic along with them. she would like to be taking lots of drugs right now, so that she would have what we in the business call a "real problem" (use fingers to make quote-motion, please). she is kinda dumb sometimes. quite a lot of the time. her mental illness makes it impossible for her to perform tasks that would be satisfying, beneficial, or uplifting to her self-esteem and worth as a human being. she's a lesbian who is dreaming of having lots of sex with lots of men, kevin spacey being the youngest and best looking of them. if it didn't hurt so much and get so darn messy, she'd like to take a knife and stab herself several times, just out of frustration. just for fun. that kind of thing. anyhooo, that's k. and that's why her essay will be AT LEAST a week and a half late. yours truly, dr. fred."

do you think he will do this for me?
i'll read it to him and ask. (you think i'm kidding but i will)

last time***next time