
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

infamous list june 08 2004 - 1.06 pm

so much has happened lately and i have been away from technology, so it's time for another...INFAMOUS LIST:

* saw prof. h - he crossed the road. into traffic. to take a shortcut. but i don't think he saw me. would he risk death rather than make awkward small talk with a lesbian stalker? maybe?

* my contract ended and i'm now gainfully unemployed. watched all financial gains i made dwindle away to nothing.

* been playing a lot of tony hawk pro skater 4. they were out of vice city at blockbuster.

* living in a room that is small and yellow. i sleep on a futon, but i've manipulated the frame and mattress to create an off-the-ground prison cot-style bed. sleeping on the floor is for junkies.

* i go out to bars a lot more, and leave empty-handed even MORE than a lot more.

* waaaaah i'm going to starve to death, etc.

* haven't seen fred in a long, long time. i'd like to, though, if only to pass the hours. while i'm unemployed and starving to death.

* i like salty things.

* i saw dr. ruth in club monaco. she said "hi" to me when i smiled at her. life? complete.

* sometimes when i smoke weed i get paranoid that a raccoon is going to make its way into my room off the deck. and hide under my bed. and freak out in the middle of the night.

last time***next time