
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

snooooooooooze jul 11 2001 - 6.53 pm

why is my brain trying to crush on people? this is an odd feeling. it feels similar to a bout of depressive melancholy/wistfulness. i think i'm just in that mode of "missing" people, and missing people over which to obsess.

i see fred on monday...hmm, it's never soon enough. i feel like bitching him out or something. i feel like saying "what the hell is going on here? are you wanting to help or should i just dump your ass and find someone else to become dependent on?" ha ha. ummm, no, that would not be good. that would be COUNTER-productive.

i'm really tired. i'm tired of people. tired of humans. really fucking tired of life and of making THE EFFORT. what for? ack. i'm not depressed, i swear; i'm just frigging worn out by time.

but hey.

i'm a blonde now.

lookie here. blonde. does it make a difference? uhhhh. well, judging by this entry, i'm a little spacey. so maybe.

(apologies to un-spacey blondes)

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