
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

what? feb 12 2001 - 12.43 pm

wow, i'm really damn tired. what's new?

today is our one year anniversary. i've been too busy to even think of a present. i mean, something really special. i have this one thing, but i have to be a little artistic, and that takes some effort and risk on my part...and it also needs her not being here!

"honey, whatcha doing?"
"oh come look, i'm making your present!"

i've been overloaded, what with with the move, and school - this is a TERRIBLE week to be romantic!

last night, we went to the birthday party for one of my brother's two godsons. my brother is very lucky - his godsons were born a week apart. people often assume that i hate children, and to some extent, they are correct. but c'mon, 1 year olds? they rock! they still look like babies, but they can WALK, so they kinda look more adult, but they can't TALK, so that's even better! i played "monster" with the shorties until socks had a bit of a panic and we had to go.

she didn't talk to me all the way home, and said she was going straight to bed. when i pulled it out of her, it was the same problem - she doesn't like meeting new people. she feels uncomfortable in new situations, feels out of place, etc. i pulled out my abnormal psychology textbook and opened up to the section on social phobia. it's a classic case.

however, she wanted to ignore the problem, but unfortunately for her, she's living with me...and i am a superhero fighting the dark evil forces of Doctor Denial! it is my arch enemy.

anyway. i'm feeling woozy and not making much sense. i'll be back later. perhaps. maybe. uggggh.

last time***next time