
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

slept in till 1 may 6 2001 - 1.33 pm

was i making a 16 (15...14...) year old boy fuck me in my dream this morning? goddammit, brain, i know you're stressed and seething with sick and what not, but please! keep your id to yourself! i'm trying to maintain respectability here!

good news. besides getting laid (well, i believe it was a struggle and awkward) in dream-land. another fantastic email from school folk.

Hi K,

I just wanted to let you know that your assignment was very good, and especially well-written

-- I hope you DO get the chance to do more history. The mark is 16.6/20.

If you want to pick it up, Prof. Todd will be in possession of all unclaimed papers as of next Thursday (May 11) (when course marks will also be posted there).

Good luck with everything, and have a great summer,


as celine dion might squawk, "not bad, eh?" and in canada, for some strange strange reason, anything above an 80 is an A! so that's an A paper, baby! written while hopped up on goofballs in the wee hours of the morning! sometimes, when i'm scratching out the answers to the exams that i've not studied for, and it's all sounding very educated and convincing...i believe that i would be a university T1000, on the dean's list, scholarships at my feet, if only i actually DID do the work and studied every day, etc.

but then i think, hey, if i can pass, nay - get 60s - without all that nasty self-sacrifice? why bother making things difficult, eh?

or something.

anyway. here's to me, once again defying conventional belief that lazy people never win.

last time***next time