
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

wack-ay may 3 2001 - 1.05 pm

ok, let's see...three hours of sleep. feelin' good. actually, i feel like crap...there is a low nauseous feeling in the pit of my gut, and my eyes feel quite dried out. the smog warning today and air quality will not help matters, as they specifically mentioned "eye irritation" as one of the effects.

each time i look in the mirror, fasten the bra around my lifeless chest, pull on a pair of pants that threatens to halt at the thighs and butt...every day i think that i must be gaining weight exponentially.

while i was tapping out my essay this fine morning (again, till after 8 am!) i kept wanting to put html tags whenever i was italicizing a word. silly me.

so, it's time for an academic update:

* sociology exam - suh-what? that was like YEARS ago! i'm so over that.

* freud paper - uuuuuuuuuuh, i'd rather not think about that puppy. the petition has entered the paper-race, and i guess i'll find out in a couple of weeks whether or not i get an "A" in Grovelling to the Faculty, 101!

* psych paper - see my prof's hot and heavy email to me regarding this!

* psych exam - that's tomorrow. 2-4. will study...tonight.

* history paper - finished that up this morning, sans my major sources, but i think i took the approach my t.a. was talking about. soooo happy that it's done. i now HATE romantic friendship, because it's all a CLASSIST LIE! (that's kinda what my thesis is like, except with more exclamation points)

* history exam - tonight. 7-10 pm. YES - once again, i am cursed with having to watch a videotape of the blessed 3-hour SURVIVOR FINALE EXTRAVAGANZA WITH DANCING MONKEYS after the fact - last time, kd fuckin' lang of all people told me that richard hatch won. i'm not lying.

oh the exam, right - yeah, it's tonight, i'm really unprepared, but i like to bullshit on history exams and my record shows that i'm quite good at it.

anyway. my mother was supposed to take a cab with my brother to his new place with a bunch of stuff, but they are nowhere to be seen and all his stuff is...OF COURSE still here. i'm turning gooey, and need some Cap'n Crunch if i'm going to make it through this long day.

also a little delirious with the tired; could you tell?

last time***next time