
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

waddle mar 21 2001 - 12.52 pm

diaryland *does* have the time down pat, but unfortunately, it's not the way i like to write the time. this doesn't matter.

so i looked at march and it sucks. wow. it's just a bad month of archives. i don't even have "last entry" links because i don't think i wanted people to read what happened before that, and before that, and before that...cuz it was all the same crap.

i'm writing a lot faster. this is a good sign. this means i have something to say.

we went to see fred last night and got the story out. i went to the bathroom and socks also got her thing with fred out. i think she sees him and i as an alliance because...well, we're in the same boat with her. we don't know our wrongs until it's too late. that kind of thing.

my throat hurts. i still want a smoke.

i've been reading all about romantic friendships for my essay that was due monday...that i haven't started. hm. no surprise there, but the week that i was supposed to write it was kind of designated "Your Life Will Break Down and Turn To Shit" week. did the mayor declare that one? i think so.

stop. eating. mini. eggs. k. you. silly. girl.

last time***next time