
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

where the fuck have i been? jun 05 2002 - 4.32 pm

ok, i'm about damn SICK of not having modem functions. i think it has been about a month or so since i actually turned my computer on. well, i turn anyone on, i know, but not every THING...

so. when i last wrote, i was in the middle of hating myself and hating my job and hating everything. WELL. it seems that i am, indeed, the luckiest fucking person in the universe. not only do i have an incredible knack for learning new skills (including convincing people to buy expensive bikes) but ALSO - the manager of the store is just ITCHING for a big fat excuse to fire the guy D. who was making my life HELL. what??? i had been asked a few weeks ago, by my consoling friends, if there was a chance this dude could be fired, and i said "nooooooo. not at all." because i was still under the impression that *I* was the stupid asshole, and he was the supreme, know-it-all Bike Selling Mahn, but NO! apparently (and my source is good) he is a dick (knew that), makes stupid decisions, and pisses the manager RIGHT OFF. Awwwright!

plus the words: "he is SO FIRED!" keep popping up. they are waiting to be put into action once one of the manager's buddies says yes to the job as replacement. and he's a nice handsome boy, that one. shortens my name, which is a nickname that not many people think to use, 'cept my mother sometimes, so it makes me feel fuzzy inside.

so! it's like a complete turn around from my last entry.

and boyyyy howwwdy! i emailed my prof. for men/masculinities? i got a fucking 92 on that final exam! i didn't read the three main texts for that class! i didn't even OWN one of the books! my grades are all above the course averages. if they took an x-ray of my lower colon, they would find a HORSESHOE. right up my ass. GOLDEN, no DIAMOND-ENCRUSTED. i am really too fuckin' lucky sometimes...

last time***next time