
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

best things in life are free mar 2 2001 - 1.01 pm

fred is my psychiatrist. more than that, he's becoming my friend. a very good one. a reliable one.

ok, he eats during our sessions. makes all sorts of eating noises that no one likes to hear, especially not me. and he can be a little too goofy at times.

but when yesterday's session was coming to a close, and i sobbed "and that's not even what's bothering me and what i wanted to talk about today!" as the tears started flowing, he made an appointment for today.

and after we talked about how i hate myself for being fat and am scared at how i've gained weight, he - get this - suggested that in april (or whenever the fucking weather clears up) we get together twice a week, and our sessions will be walking sessions. or biking sessions. two and a half hours of brisk exercise a week for both of us, and lots of talk time for me.


when socks had her little passy-outty thing, he said "chicken noodle soup!" and i replied, "but we're both vegetarians!"
"you know where you can get really good vegetarian barley soup? avenue and eglinton."
"well, that's a bit of a stretch for SOUP!"
"i'll pick it up for you. i'll bring it over."

what?? you will go get soup?

yep. so this is my psychiatrist. thank god.

last time***next time