
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

fucking monkey! mar 1 2001 - 5.38 pm

the space bar is really fucked on this computer so you'll have to forgive me if i haveproblemsspacingdammit.

i'm at the gym at school. there are skinny skinny skinny girls walking around in spandex. this ain't the jewish community center, nooo sireebob. that was nice. lots of old ladies. none of these anorexic university girls throwing up in their residence bathrooms after dining in the college cafeteria.

i have two school i.d. cards. one is the old card and one is the "library" card, with a smart-chip that lets the school know what we eat, who we fuck, etc. mine was the last year that they used the old cards; now the student card is the smart-chipped library card, all integrated into one. you used to just flash your card at the attendant to get into the gym, but now they swipe the barcode. i ever-so-smartly ran out the door today without my wallet, and without that barcode-bearing library card. i thought, well, it's ok because i have my old i.d. card on me.

ha ha ha.


i handed the card to the attendant, and he looked away and tapped the counter in front of him.

"what's this?"

taped to the counter was a note saying blah blah, as of dec. 11 2000, only TCards would be accepted, blah blah.

"excuse me??" i may not be the most assertive person in the world, but i will not put up with obnoxious instructive finger tapping!

"what's this? when are you going to get this replaced?"
"when are you going to get this replaced?" he said, shaking the card at me.

"i HAVE a library card, i just don't have my wallet on me, so this is the only card i HAVE RIGHT NOW."

"oh, you don't have it on you. ok."

et voila. another man in a paltry position of "power" trying to assert his "power" over the "powerless", i.e. those on THE OTHER SIDE of the counter. what a dick.

i'll take a crowbar to his kneecaps in the parking lot at the end of his shift.

last time***next time