
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

bleeptoberfest! oct 30 2001 - 2.54 pm

i'm rummaging through you, you know. i rummage through my own past like crazy, and now i'm rummaging through yours...through some of ours. it still hurts some right here.

i really take my fucking luck for granted! i feel i need to qualify this with an "..,eh?" so you will nod your head in agreement! i didn't do this stinkin' book review that i had been so eager about, getting that head start, reading way back when, then...oops...forgetting. so i go to class. no book review in hand. and what does the prof say? "i won't take points off if you hand it in tomorrow."

shit. i DO have a horseshoe up my ass! and no, i'm not talking about how big my ass is! i'm talking about how fucking LUCKY my ass is!

but i go home, eat calzone, jump into bed, and go to sleep.

then i get up this morning, make ridiculous pancakes (why won't you work??), and surf the net.

and think, fuck, what am i doing??

speaking of which, i have a class to attend.


last time***next time