
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

dave's not here, man jan 21 2003 - 5.37 pm

i'm doing quite well today, thank you very much. i have nearly captured warmth - this is my main mission in winterlife. the "cold snap" that has got my city by the testes is forcing me to come up with inventive ways to trap, harness, and sexually ride warmth during my long, cold walks to and from class. i have nearly done it. but i think it can only be completed with a set of goggles, and frankly, i'm above looking like a complete idiot. i am perfectly fine with looking like a regular or partial idiot, though.

so, i had brunch with iota and pseudochip on sunday, because i was lonely and desperate. no, no - i cried out to them in desperation, and i was offered a seat at their brunching table. that's what i meant. anyhoo, i babbled for ages because i was feeling psychotically self-concious regarding my just-showered appearance (puffy, no concealer on those dry-skin weirdo red spots, potentially weird shower hair) and then just chewed my food while they talked. then it was my turn again, and we did this talkdance for a bit, then they left and i felt pretty dumb. like, i was totally tiring to be around. which is pretty true, since all those bonghits have turned me into a social retard.

(no! it's not the bonghits!)

but TALKING about bonghits with people who don't seem to find inherent beauty in bonghits...that is a form of social retardation, i'll tell you what...

i didn't even tell them that in a midst of drug-fuelled genius, i put snow in my bong, and it was the sweetest toke EVER.

yeah, i wake up the next morning with horrible regret at my dirty pothead status and lifestyle, but i wash it off in the shower. i guess i just have to remember that dirty dirty feeling when dealing with the MA-TOOR public. the ones that don't smoke a lot of pot and create mexican feasts, complete with homemade salsa, when they get the munchies.


last time***next time