
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

frosh weeek wooooo sep 04, 2002 - 3.21 pm

things are back to "normal" in the relationship department. still not having sex, but i've heard that happens. happens to people in weird fucked up relationships, i mean.

anyway *sigh* whatchagonnado. i was secretly smoking all last week, and i might just start that again. it's the same thing as last time, asserting some freedom, or control, or ME-ness into my life. plus i need the tobacco to roll joints. yeah, that's the ticket...

i bought two more cookbooks because i have a problem. i have written the most enormous shopping list, but it's mostly fresh vegetables. the fridgidaire has been pretty sparse, what with the no-eating-'cause-i-am-in-a-stifling-relationship-thing. i spent $70 filling it up last week, but those supplies have run low. now it's time for...ANTIOXIDANTS to save the day!

it's frosh week and i can't believe i even ventured onto campus. i. hate. frosh. unbelievable hatred. even when i WAS a frosh, i hated them. i stood in the corner and smoked. me and a girl who wore a cute "gene" shirt. (oh, gene are coming HERE by the way, and you bet i'll be there) smoke, spit, hiss, and stay OUT of the conga line. that is my advice to poor poor frosh.

hate them!

last time***next time