
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

now that i can, i have nothing to say jul 18 2003 - 3.58 pm

i didn't drop off the face of the earth! i swear! i haven't been able to reach the elusive "computer" (whatever that is supposed to be - i heard it fits in a huge room at some big technical university in the states) and when i managed to do so - damn thing wouldn't let me write! gack.

so. so what has happened. way too many things. they seem sort of...insignificant when i look back and tally them all up, but i would have explained their significance much better in daily respective entries. when placed in the context of a list, they really lose something. see if you know what i mean:

. . . . . - went to see aron's grave.
. . . . . - had a gig on sunday with ricardo and did well
. . . . . - oh yeah, got so smashed on canada day that i vowed to NEVER DRINK AGAIN.
. . . . . - totally phone-technology-stalked prof. hottie and found out that he is, indeed, married with a kid.

(in fact, i'd rather not go into this but let me assure you that i did nothing illegal, i am NOT glenn close from "fatal attraction"...alex, was it?, and i did not actually SEE these people, through a rifle scope or otherwise. ahem.)

oh i'm sure there are other things but i'm tired of this list. blah.

i was bike riding around the city today and bought a shirt at the gap. it has snaps. and it's a guy's shirt. woo-hoo, vive la deviance!


last time***next time