
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

tingly jul 24 2003 - 8.08 pm

"strange things are afoot at the circle k...." -bill and ted's excellent adventure (only, like, my favorite movie EVER when i was 12.)

so instead of getting a raise i'm getting my hours cut back. ouch. that's not so nice. especially since i have been doing my bestest with the customers. in fact, i so impressed a customer the other day that she felt compelled to tell me the details of where she lived, practically begging me to stalk her.

the funny thing is i kind of want her to stalk ME....always the stalker, never the stalked, you know. she's not a creepy guy wanting to try on clothes for me, nor is she particularly attractive to my sensibilities, but we were having fantastic academically-minded conversations when i found out she was a psych prof. (i wrote "psycho" - ha, wishful thinking!)

oh well. obsessing over wanting her to obsess over me was a nice change of pace. it kept me from obsessing over the lack of Prof. Hottie in my life, or how no matter what career choice i make, i will inevitably be dicked around for low pay...unless i was a hooker, then i could be dicked around for good pay...hmmm...hooking...

oh, i don't know.

these days, my brain is either completely spacey and hollow, or a bundle of homoerotic tingly anxieties. there is little in-between.

i need a new season of "survivor" into which i can channel this power.

last time***next time