
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

new what? jan 02 2002 - 11.08 am

how uneventful.

this season has been anything but typically seasonal. mild weather. fewer family members around the table. no snow. maybe it's the fact that here i am, january second, feeling like a bloated whale, eating cookies for breakfast. resolution? change? what's all that about?

christmas was ok. the vibe was thrown off a little by the absence of my loser brother JC (jesus christ to you) and the presence of my mom's thai housekeeper. i won't say "maid" even though that's perfectly commonplace in asia. and don't get to thinking that this is slave labour or something, oh no - it's some strange setup by my equally strange father. it's really too complicated and too fucked to get into right now but let's just say my dad had/is having an affair with her, emotionally or physically, who knows. or maybe he has said all sorts of stuff to her that makes her believe they'll be together or something, but i will just make the point that she's not some innocent little farm girl here in canada to send money back to her little farm parents, woe woe woe.

so even though this woman is a confederate of my father's to fuck up my mom's life even more, and also much of the reason that i am not being financially supported while in school, we (my brother and i) felt obliged to get her something for christmas! hail to regifting and cheap scented candles.

i spent new year's with my girlfriend's parents. woke up with incredible stabbing gas pains. now i know that this year will be one horrible stabbing gas pain.

now, if you'll excuse me, my hair seems to be mulletting slightly, and i have to correct it.

last time***next time