
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

me = no model feb 05 2003 - 4.03 pm

uggh! i'm still reeling with the dirtyness of my grad picture session. my head hurts, my body is tense, my nerves shattered. it was a 5 minute, maybe less, ordeal of "move your head a little this way, no, keep your body that way, look over here, no, too far, smile smile smile, great. don't crush the diploma." man. i have this weird line above my lip when i smile (sometimes) that is like, there's too much skin on my face and it folds into itself (i discovered this IN HORROR while practicing to smile for my high school photos) - so i hope all this strange positioning and neck-twisting and looking over there - NO! - here didn't exacerbate this hideous deformity. (sorry, i've been staring into a mirror for waaaay too many hours)

i ran into a girl from THE CLASS before going off to the session. the first thing she said was "you have the most incredible green eyes!" to which i flinched and admitted that i thought they were blue. (i am wearing a green sweater today and browny eyeshadow, so perhaps my chameleon eyes have taken note.) i gave her some advice on how to approach the impending book review, and she asked how i liked the class.

(don't say anything you might regret.)

"i really like it."

"yeah, the class is really interesting. i like him, too - he's very nice..." or something. quick - look into her eyes. is she testing you? jeezuz, this is it - my inner teeny bopper just itching to let fly about how cute danny zucco is and how i'm madly in love with him and if he doesn't ask me to the prom i'll just scream!

"yes, he's very good..." or something. because, would you look at that?? - the streetcar. too bad, so sad, i have to cut this conversation short. oh WELL.

*phew* that was close.

but remind me to play up my eyes for class tomorrow.

last time***next time