
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

parasites, spitting, camp oct 25 2005 - 11.48 am

life sure is dull now that Prof. H has moved to australia. yeah, i scared him THAT much. actually, though he was my pseudo-advisor last year i didn't contact him at all. i went back to being a boring old lesbian, rather than a spunky, obsessive lesbian with an extreme case of man-crush.

i have a new advisor, and she's hot in that "youngish academic blonde smartypants take-me-seriously-but-still-find-me-sexy" sort of way. i'm still not sure what way that is, but i know it's there.

took the kid to a camp for kids with/who have beaten cancer over the weekend (those kids who beat cancer over the weekend were AWESOME!) - it was ok, but rainy, and i think the executive director was actually a cult leader. i have never liked school spirit, pep rallies, frosh week, or anything involving chanting, so i can't say that it was thrilling for me. but the kid had lots of space to run, so that was nice.

invigilating like crazy as midterms are still happening for the po' little undergrads. i'll get paid some mad money this week end, but i actually have reading to do. trying to find out stuff on a certain herta oberhauser, a Class A Nazi Bitch if ever there was one, who did lots of nasty irrelevant medical experiments on inmates and children, including rubbing ground glass and wood into lesions and wounds. for why? because they were absolute psychos. i can do alright reading about the general inhumanity that existed in concentration camps, but i have never liked medical procedures, operating, cutting, or pus. and let me tell you, the nazis were ALL ABOUT PUS. dirty fuckers.

in 7th grade science class in indonesia, we watched slides of a volunteer doctor's trip to borneo and the various parasites the locals had acquired. i couldn't swallow my spit for an hour. i kept on raising my hand and mumbling "excuse me, can i go outside and spit?" because hearing about things like "creeping eruptions" and worms that, when they want out, just eat their way out, or bugs that lay their larvae in the skin and when they hatch they also eat their way out...well, not conducive to allowing anything of any sort into my body for a prolonged period of time.

yesterday i noticed little larvae shells (and one still moving bug of sorts) on my plate amidst the crumbs of my ryvita. perhaps i can go as a parasite-ridden leper for halloween. most authentic costume EVER.

last time***next time