
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

snotoberfest! oct 4 2001 - 4.13 pm

i'm realizing just how boring i've become. today, as i was walking to school, the stupid grey sidewalk under my stupid sneaker-clad feet (*see how boring? the second time in as many days that i've mentioned my sneakers. am i obsessed with them? they are 6 years old, for crying out loud! they are black! they are boring!) i thought, 'maybe it's best that there is nothing to write. maybe that means that nothing bad is going on. everything is just a-ok. this can't be a bad thing.' but then i decided that it was just me, losing all creativity.

but then it came to me.

in the form of gross, gross men.

something has, indeed, been very wrong lately. i'm seeing way too much snot play. winter is usually the season of the hork, but it seems that indian-summer-falls have become the season of the man-picking-his-nose-and-other-fun-things. i swear.

just yesterday, i saw two violations of the no-pick zone. and one of them? i am 95% certain that he was adding a subtle eating element to the mission. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW.

it's PUBLIC, people. this is crap you pull in your pubic-hair laden bathrooms. NOT public streets! NOT university campuses! NOT outside ice cream shops in hip neighbourhoods! for the love of god, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

along with the whole wanting to expand my lyin' horizons thing, i also want to expand my shouting at people in public thing. i suppose the essence of the thing is that i want to shout at people, in public. very simple. this is especially important when they are doing something BLINDINGLY WRONG. and gross.

the most common refrain that rings in my head during these situations is "I CAN SEE YOU!!!"

one sweet day, i'll write about the man, the snot, the streetcar. never again will you go outside sans latex gloves.


last time***next time