
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

more for sports fans! sep 11 2003 - 4.15 pm

Well, sports fans, I must say I'm one enlightened camper.

I was tooling around U of T on my bike, as I am prone to doing - though only god knows why, since I have that pesky degree already.

Well, God indeed Does Know [TM] - and today, He showed me.

As many of my dearest friends and enemies know, I am a HUGE fan of 100 Huntley Street. I've been a faithful follower for ages now - always riveted by the wholesome musings of country-wise Cal Bombay (or "C-Bomb" as the html name of his bio page states), the glorious sounds of Norma-Jean, and of course, the guidance of the man by whom she stands - David Mainse, founder of Crossroads Christian Communications.

Well, today, loyal sports fans, I saw the Man himself - Mr. David Mainse, in the University College parking lot. It must have been God's Will (remember, kids, there's no such thing as "fate" - that's called Paganism!) since I rarely take that particular route. And I had also caught the tail end, at 10.59am, of some of Davey's musings (ha, can I call the gospel he speaks "musings?") on what he likes to call "our most precious man/woman possession," marriage. Ah, man/woman. Now THAT'S an pseudo-adjective I'd like to see used more often!

But I digress...on this anniversary of Sept. 11th, he has used the occasion to show us simpletons and sinners that we will indeed be bitten in the ass (in a locusts-reigning-down sort-of way, not a sinfully pleasurable sort of way) by the destruction of "our most precious human commitment."

I could only guess his motives for being on campus. As I write this, I (big fat gay sinner) am at St. Michael's College Library, sitting next to someone who is undoubtedly transgendered (big fat messing-with-god's-supreme-biological-dominance sinner). U of T NEEDS David Mainse, isn't it obvious?? The last bastion of Christian hope on campus, sullied by the likes of us. Sheesh.

As I rode by, I thought, "I should catcall him," but what could I say? "I watch your show all the time...and I'm going to hell anyway!"? Or "I'm a big, really. Stop crossing yourself. I just want your autograph. Put that wooden stake away, dude!" *sigh* I don't know. He was just as smiley and doddery as he appears on TV, but dressed to the nines, as His homeys should be.

Oh, Mr. Mainse, if you only knew...I'm so sorry that you are "personally deeply hurt" by my kind's degradation of your sacred Christian institution. It is a shame that your vocabulary is so limited, since you plainly state that "'Marriage' is the only word millions of us have to describe our life-time commitment to a person of the opposite sex." I'm sure a thesaurus will help you out there.

But for some odd reason, I rode past with the widest smile on my face, having sighted a celeb far more interesting than any the Film Festival could throw at me....

Till next time,


last time***next time