
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

stinkytoberfest! oct 10 2001 - 11.25 am


ok. today i'm going to do my little point-by-point thing, since i've vowed to step up the entries, and yet am still void of anything interesting to say.

* that hawksley boy has absolutely no respect for the sacred institution that is survivor! the last gig he played was not only on the night of my final exam for history, but ALSO the night of the season finale of survivor 2. he's playing tomorrow night, which is, wouldn'tchaknow, the season premiere of survivor 3! i'll kill 'im! so as of this moment, i am still torn. torn between those two lovers. hawksley...or jeff probst. receding hairline and feather boa? or knife-cut dimples and khaki shirts and shorts? arrrrgggh...

* having weird sleeping patterns. getting up at around 4-6 (the clock is not on my side of the bed anymore) and tossing and turning. it could be because the little cats are mauling s. and i since returning from THREE WHOLE DAYS away. sheesh, they are such neglectareenos, as ned flanders would say.

* i'd like to meet this one, i really would, but i fear her overwhelming musical knowledge would crush me like a bug. but i'd love to tell her all about the stinky, hairy (HAIRY!) shouldered, pink-tank top man and the loser (LOSER!) indie boys at the GodspeedYBE show. hee hee. yes, there *is* such a thing as a loser indie boy! there were several that night!

* i stayed home from class yesterday and made chili instead. man, i'm a weenie.

* OH! i nearly forgot. about 3 weeks ago, i discovered something so pure, so gold, and so wonderful. TERRY'S...CHOCOLATE....RASPBERRY! it is sent from heaven. really. get thee to the Bay and buy several hundred, at $3.99, and send them to ME.

last time***next time