
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

strainin' my brain within this pain...*snap snap* sep 16 2004 - 10.52 am

i'm in allkindsapain today. i am tired, sinusy, deafy, crampy, lowerbackpainy, and anxiousy. i would love it if this were a typical cool maroon fall day so i could just stay in bed with soup, but alas, it is a bloody HUMID SEPTEMBER 16th, and a thursday to boot, which means i have 2 classes. and daaaaamn, i can't miss classes! i'm in Adult University now! if i miss a class, i'll die. no, seriously, they'll take me to the History Department Torture Chamber and string me up by my toenails and berate me - "yooooou will NEVER get your master's! who do you think you are, some kind of....'i can skip my classes because i don't need to discuss the readings that i don't feel like doing' person?? are you?? *whipcrack!*"

then they will kill me. i believe this is all in the handbook.

oh, but some good news - perhaps verging on "awesome" or "bodacious" - i have my cursory interview for the invigilating position with ASS (the accessibility department i had my contract with earlier) - i have the job, but they need to go through the motions anyway. which makes me anxious, because then it's like "well, maybe i will really bomb the interview, and they will reconsider and say that perhaps i'm not cut out for it after all!!" but then i just tell myself to shut the fuck up. it's going to be


that's right. 4x the amount i was making as a produce slave this summer. *sigh* yes roberto benigni, life *is* beautiful, isn't it?

(sorry, that's my random, irrelevant, offensive holocaust reference for the day.)

excuse me, i think my body wants me to die a a little more.

last time***next time