
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

this week in brief apr 11 2003 - 3.23 pm

funny things that have happened this week:

* i wrote a paper really quickly on this dude i knew nothing about. a final research paper in one day, yeah, that's just GREAT.

* i confessed my prof. Hottie love to a girl from class, who couldn't believe that i had a "thing" for him. i sense amusement.

* socks and i nearly broke up, in fact, perhaps DID break up for a day. perhaps we ARE broken up, and i don't know it.

* i confessed to socks my baby fear, and she responded like this was the craziest thing ever. therefore leading me to know that i am, indeed, the craziest person EVER, since rather than seek confirmation i will create horrible catastrophe in my mind.

* i realized that creating horrible catastrophe in your mind can usually lead to horrible catastrophe in real life.

* i emailed prof. hottie with a dumb question about my essay, and got an autoreply telling me when he'd be back in the office. his email is begging me to stalk him.

* i decided that i should probably not go to poland and england with my mother in a month.

* i couldn't come up with a reason why i have a dead, dead soul.

* i got a wedding invitation from my prom date. actually thinking about going to indiana to attend it, because i don't do enough crazy shit.

* i decided prof. hottie would get my essay on monday, since obsession does not equal production.

* i skipped my last university class.

last time***next time