
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

ass out of u and me mar 26 2002 - 4.54 pm

the hugest, fattest snow flakes are falling outside. it's surreal, like someone is shaking out bags of cotton balls. as much as i am sick of the grey, and the chapped fingers, and the searing pain of cold cold air in my lungs while i bike, this is sorta nice.

i don't really have anything to write about, other than the fact that i'm getting sick. this is PERFECT timing. i do, however, have extensions for two of my essays, thanks to the fact that my holocaust professor is The Nicest Man Ever. The t.a. has been grovelling at my feet via e-mail, apologizing at her insensitivity - she had the audacity to assume that i was asking for an extension because i was lazy, not because i had just gone through a huge life trauma.
well, what happened was that i told her i had talked to the prof about an extension, and he had told me to arrange a time with her, and could i have a week extra? truth be told, i didn't offer my reason, since there were lots of students around. she thought that it was a bit long and wanted me to only take, like, two days. she said she'd talk to the prof when i simply blinked at her suggestion. the prof. (who my friend and i have decided is probably a bit of a misery-whore..."oh that's terrible...tell me more!") knew the story, since i had visited him last week, and when she talked to him about it, he probably embellished it with all sorts of lies, like i was in the car, and watched 3 people die, or whatever. i say this because she emailed me apologizing and being sooooo nice, and saying i could take the time i needed. ha.

but now i'm getting sick, so i'd better be able to still think clearly with a sinus infection or something. i think it can be done. maybe. considering the crappy quality of my writing now? i no so sure...

last time***next time