
jan 13 2015
annual update; still aging

Jan 13 2014

april 26 2010
not the entry i wanted to write

nov 13 2009
polar extremes

sep 21 2009
cure for angst is dictatorship

bling! aug 15 2001 - 3.03 pm

dude, i'm so totally not dead.

um, i'm actually on the clock right now so i have to make this even shorter and sweeter than i would like to.

i've been having weird demi-migraines, and they are bugging the heck out of me. i'm also going back on serzone (back to school special!) so that's really not going to help them.

damn, why does fred's office always smell so rank? it's his waiting room, mainly, that stinks so badly. the reek of fear and crazy people. the fear OF crazy people.

i seem to still get hits, so that's ok...

ohmygod. al gore with a beard. rrrar.

(trying to give point form entries here)

crazy! jealousy! i hate myself!

downloading music at work. NOW i can know what all the fuss is about, skinny fists and all.

raw food. raw food. dirty hippies. and more raw food.

friday, i had a panic/anxiety/breathe just fucking breathe and DON'T cry while photocopying attack at work. it sucked. SO HARD.

i need cash money, bling bling.

outta here.

last time***next time